Friday, April 18, 2008

Day 2

Fresh Cut
Copyright Jennifer Geisert

The seemingly simple process of Polaroid emulsion transfers is not at all simple, in fact. The sheer ammount of crap I drag out to the kitchen from the back room and dig out of various kitchen drawers is unbelievable. The list is as follows:

Polaroid Daylab
Polaroid film
source photographs
contact paper
watercolor paper
extra garbage bags
air duster
black jacket (my Daylab has a light leak so I take pictures with my coat covering the maching)
distilled water
paper towels
frying pan
wooden spoon
4 flat Correlware dishes of various sizes
did I mention paper towels?

And so, I worked for four hours, past the time everyone else decided to go to bed, past the time when the cats are in their night hyper stage and fight, past both episodes of the Golden Girls, taking a break only for chocolate pudding gone wrong. (How can chocolate pudding go wrong, you ask? By eating the kind cooked on the stove, left in the fridge long enough to get a crust, that's how.) All of this after a normal working day at the gallery. As I said previously, creativity does not understand a full work week.

The end result is the above image, "Fresh Cut", also known as my entry to the jurried exhibition at my work. And the pleasent suprise that I don't have to work every spare moment until Monday to frame the image - it was done today in our framing department. Now I can spend my Friday night relaxing with Sweeny Todd and Jell-o.

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